Genius Document Creation

Tired of manually preparing documents?
Simplify your processes, stay compliant, and save time with ease.

✓ Customization and Compliance of Documents
✓ Secure Digital Signatures
✓ Efficiency and Personalization of Documents
✓ Streamlined Approval Workflows
✓ Seamless SAP SuccessFactors Integration

Key Features

Enhance Your HR Workflow with Automated Document Creation


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Effortless Document Creation
Customization and Compliance with Global Reach
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Secure Digital Signatures
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Efficiency and Personalization
Streamlined Approval Workflows

Microsoft Word-Based Master Templates:

aconso streamlines the document creation process by enabling the use of standardized master templates for a variety of document types, all based on Microsoft Word. This means you can craft documents effortlessly while adhering to your corporate design guidelines with ease. With aconso‘s expertise, you’ll have the tools to create polished documents efficiently.

Types of HR Documents You Can Create:

✓ Employment contracts, including collective agreements
✓ Onboarding documents
✓ Maternity and parental leave documents
✓ Changes to employment terms
✓ Award and bonus letters
✓ Certificates such as A1 certificates
✓ Contract and salary adjustments, and more


Global and Country Specific Templates:

Empower your document creation with globally adaptable and locally compliant templates.

aconso‘s Document Creation offers a vast array of customizable templates, ensuring alignment with both global and country specific requirements, while rigorously adhering to ISO 27001 standards for information security management.

This guarantees document consistency, compliance, and top-tier security across your organization.

What’s more, our versatile templates support a wide range of languages including English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, German, and many more, catering to diverse linguistic needs.

Digital Signatures Made Easy

Seamlessly integrate popular digital signature platforms like DocuSign or Adobe Acrobat Sign with aconso’s Document Creation.

This integration ensures that every document is digitally signed with the utmost security and authenticity. Your sensitive documents are in safe hands with aconso‘s trusted partner solutions.

Bulk Generation and Personalization

Say goodbye to the drudgery of handcrafting documents. Document Creation empowers you to generate personalized documents for large groups of employees simultaneously, saving you valuable time and effort. aconso‘s automation capabilities make personalization on a large scale a breeze.
Trigger-Based Automation: Document Creation enables you to set up automatic document generation based on events and triggers. This means you can free up your time to focus on what truly matters while Document Creation efficiently handles the rest. Count on aconso to simplify your workflow with intelligent automation.

Streamlined Approval Processes

Implementing individual approval workflows is essential for efficient document review and approval.

Document Creation streamlines these processes, ensuring that your documents move through the approval pipeline with ease and speed.

Trust aconso to help you manage approvals effectively.

b b
Effortless Document Creation
Customization and Compliance with Global Reach
l l
Secure Digital Signatures
i i
Efficiency and Personalization
Streamlined Approval Workflows

Microsoft Word-Based Master Templates:

aconso streamlines the document creation process by enabling the use of standardized master templates for a variety of document types, all based on Microsoft Word. This means you can craft documents effortlessly while adhering to your corporate design guidelines with ease. With aconso‘s expertise, you’ll have the tools to create polished documents efficiently.

Types of HR Documents You Can Create:

✓ Employment contracts, including collective agreements
✓ Onboarding documents
✓ Maternity and parental leave documents
✓ Changes to employment terms
✓ Award and bonus letters
✓ Certificates such as A1 certificates
✓ Contract and salary adjustments, and more


Global and Country Specific Templates:

Empower your document creation with globally adaptable and locally compliant templates.

aconso‘s Document Creation offers a vast array of customizable templates, ensuring alignment with both global and country specific requirements, while rigorously adhering to ISO 27001 standards for information security management.

This guarantees document consistency, compliance, and top-tier security across your organization.

What’s more, our versatile templates support a wide range of languages including English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, German, and many more, catering to diverse linguistic needs.

Digital Signatures Made Easy

Seamlessly integrate popular digital signature platforms like DocuSign or Adobe Acrobat Sign with aconso’s Document Creation.

This integration ensures that every document is digitally signed with the utmost security and authenticity. Your sensitive documents are in safe hands with aconso‘s trusted partner solutions.

Bulk Generation and Personalization

Say goodbye to the drudgery of handcrafting documents. Document Creation empowers you to generate personalized documents for large groups of employees simultaneously, saving you valuable time and effort. aconso‘s automation capabilities make personalization on a large scale a breeze.
Trigger-Based Automation: Document Creation enables you to set up automatic document generation based on events and triggers. This means you can free up your time to focus on what truly matters while Document Creation efficiently handles the rest. Count on aconso to simplify your workflow with intelligent automation.

Streamlined Approval Processes

Implementing individual approval workflows is essential for efficient document review and approval.

Document Creation streamlines these processes, ensuring that your documents move through the approval pipeline with ease and speed.

Trust aconso to help you manage approvals effectively.

Your Trusted SAP Partner

Our Software Seamlessly Integrates with SAP SuccessFactors

✓ Fully Compatible with SAP SuccessFactors

✓ Streamlined Collaboration for Comprehensive Employee Life Cycle Management

✓ Available on the SAP Store

Streamline Your HR Management with aconso and SAP

aconso transforms HR document management with an all-encompassing solution that manages the entire employee life cycle, from recruitment to retirement. Integrated flawlessly with SAP SuccessFactors, our cloud-based platform streamlines personnel data and HR document management, focusing on enhancing the employee experience while maintaining compliance and efficiency.

The intuitive digital personnel file system within our platform provides immediate access to crucial HR documents, showcasing exemplary HR management integration. Available on the SAP Store, our solution fosters a smooth collaboration between aconso and SAP SuccessFactors, facilitating a complete, end-to-end approach to HR document handling.

What People Say

“In addition to the implementation of aconso‘s Digital Personnel File, digital document generation offers additional automation potential.”

Juergen Mechler

Juergen Mechler

Program Lead HR Transformation Technology

“With aconso, we have found a strong integration partner to take our employee life cycle processes to the next level!”

Stefan Krolop

Senior Manager HR Services & Projects

“We no longer have to take care of printing and scanning, since all operations pass through the system fully automatically.”

Sabine Rueffer

Kai Berger

Head of Human Resources Services

How We Onboard

Regardless of Organizational Size

Experience a seamless onboarding process with aconso, designed to be efficient and adaptable to any organizational scale. Our five-step approach ensures a quick and smooth transition, making onboarding a breeze no matter the size of your company.

4 weeks

2 weeks

Step 1

Welcome Meeting

Let’s get started!
Research & Discovery

Duration: Approx. 2 hours

Step 2

Set-up Workshop

Master Templates &
Corporate Design

Duration: Approx. 4 hours

Step 3


All you need to know about administration

Duration: 8 hours

Step 4

Test Phase

Time to test your templates

Responsibility: Customer

Step 5

Final Meeting

Is still something missing?

Duration: Approx. 2 hours

4 weeks

Step 1

Welcome Meeting

Let’s get started!
Research & Discovery

Duration: Approx. 2 hours

Step 2

Set-up Workshop

Master Templates & Corporate Design

Duration: Approx. 4 hours

Step 3


All you need to know about administration

Duration: 8 hours

2 weeks

Step 4

Test Phase

Time to test your templates

Responsibility: Customer

Step 5

Final Meeting

Is still something missing?

Duration: Approx. 2 hours


Book Your Demo Today!

Experience the power of automation and take control of your document generation process.
With aconso Document Creation, you're not just generating documents;
you're revolutionizing the way you work.


Book Your Demo Today!

Experience the power of automation and take control of your document generation process. With aconso Document Creation, you’re not just generating documents; you’re revolutionizing the way you work.

Why Use Us


Number of HR Teams Serviced Globally


Billion of Documents Managed


Years of Experience in HR DMS


HR Partners

Companion Service To Document Creation

Digital Employee Records

All Your Documents in One Convenient Location

Streamline your HR document management with our secure, efficient platform that boosts productivity and ensures U.S. data compliance, centralizing all documents in one accessible location.

✓ Secure Document Access on the Go

✓ Smart Search Capabilities

✓ 90% Productivity Boost

✓ Assured Compliance with U.S. Data Protection

✓ Employee & Management Self Services

Case Studies

Case Study Siemens

More transparency, quality and efficiency with our process management.

Case Study Munich Airport

With Document Creation over 200 letter templates are available centrally and in a standard format.

Case Study TÜV Rheinland

TÜV Rheinland is taking a big step towards a digital workplace with our solutions.

Book your demo today!

Get to know aconso‘s solutions with one of our experts. They will be happy to show you all functions of our software and answer your questions. They are looking forward to your message!

Duration: 30 minutes

✓ Insights into the full scope of functions

✓ Individual advice based on your organizational requirements

✓ Time for Q&A

Book your demo today!

Get to know aconso‘s solutions with one of our experts. They will be happy to show you all functions of our software and answer your questions. They are looking forward to your message!

Duration: 30 minutes

✓ Insights into the full scope of functions

✓ Individual advice based on your organizational requirements

✓ Time for Q&A

Book your demo today!

Get to know aconso‘s solutions with one of our experts. They will be happy to show you all functions of our software and answer your questions. They are looking forward to your message!

Duration: 30 minutes

✓ Insights into the full scope of functions

✓ Individual advice based on your organizational requirements

✓ Time for Q&A

Book your demo today!

Get to know aconso‘s solutions with one of our experts. They will be happy to show you all functions of our software and answer your questions. They are looking forward to your message!

Duration: 30 minutes

✓ Insights into the full scope of functions

✓ Individual advice based on your organizational requirements

✓ Time for Q&A

Book your demo today!

Get to know aconso‘s solutions with one of our experts. They will be happy to show you all functions of our software and answer your questions. They are looking forward to your message!

Duration: 30 minutes

✓ Insights into the full scope of functions

✓ Individual advice based on your organizational requirements

✓ Time for Q&A